How to Disable Automatic Downloads on WhatsApp Android

Whatsapp is an instant messaging application that is very popular in the world. This application is now held and developed by Facebook Inc. Whatsapp is an instant messaging application that has many features that can help users.
By using whatsapp, besides being able to send text you can also send several other things, such as photos, videos, audio and documents. Besides that, you can also create a group chat with your contacts.
Every media (photos, videos, audio or documents) that you receive on WhatsApp, by default it will be downloaded automatically using the internet connection that you are using, this usually happens if you use a wifi connection.
However, automatic downloads are sometimes very annoying and download things that shouldn't be seen or we need, so one of the options is we have to disable automatic downloads to save storage space in the following ways.


1. First, please open the WhatsApp application on your Android phone, make sure it is logged in with your cellphone number
2. If so, enter the settings section by pressing the three dot icon on the top left and pressing the settings menu
3. then in the settings section, please find and select the data and storage menu, this menu is located at the bottom
4. in the data storage section you can see the automatic media download section, there are 3 parts that you can set, namely when using cellular data , when connected to WI-FI and when roaming
5. To disable automatic downloads, then you can press the 3 menus, then uncheck the photo, audio, video and document sections and click OK.
6. After checking all these options, then in the automatic media download section, you will see the no media status on the three menus.
7. Every photo, video, audio or document in WhatsApp will not be downloaded automatically and will appear as shown below.


This is how to disable automatic downloads on WhatsApp Android . By deactivating the automatic download feature, now you can save your data or internet quota. You can also save storage space on your cellphone. Because you have activated the automatic download feature, you must download all the media that you enter to view it.

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